Archive | February, 2012

Hello? Are you there?

18 Feb

So, I’m a Christian, right? Maybe not always the best one but I try. Not too long ago I had a strange experience. It could be nothing or it could be something. I had an overwhelming sense of, “this is something.” While I was leaving to head to my mother’s house with my daughter, I was loading my car up and had not yet put my kid in the car. She was running around inside the gate around our house, close enough I wasn’t immediately worried. I saw a man walking on the sidewalk and he proceeded to head as though he was passing the house but turned back and faced me while heading toward me. Immediately I shut my trunk and went to grab my daughter, prepared to book it. He kept his distance, clearly aware of my discomfort. He asked where the casino was, to which I directed him, and he was on his way. I quickly got my daughter and I into the car and sped away while checking my surroundings repeatedly, following the moment I locked the car doors. Okay, so maybe I was a bit paranoid. If the guy was gonna attack me or my kid, he probably wouldn’t have faced me long enough for me to see his face but really, ya never know. I am a total mama bear and under no circumstances will I trust a stranger approaching me off the street. I never saw him again. Who knows if I’ll see him back around this way? Well, that momentarily freaked me out so I talked to my honey and shared with him that even though this guy wasn’t out to get me, I wasn’t entirely sure of what I would have done had something happened. I’m always prepared for fight or flight because, as if you couldn’t tell, I’m kinda paranoid and ever-alert. So, I’m becoming prepared. I have options. Okay, end of that story, right? Well…kinda. So I began to leave the house the following day, headed to mom’s again, and I noticed an elderly  Asian woman crossing the street and staring at me. It was around the same time of day as when the man approached. I thought, seriously? What do I have that people want? I still don’t know the answer to that but that is beside the point. The woman approached my car from the opposite side I was standing wear I was buckling my kid in. She stood there momentarily and smiled and in a language I didn’t recognize off-hand, she spoke a few words and pointed up the street. I stood in my place for a moment trying to decipher what she was saying. I said, “I’m sorry?” in a misunderstood tone waiting to see if maybe she could give me a little more English so that I might understand. She repeated, and the only thing that remotely sounded like anything I recognized was something that sounded like “park” but I couldn’t tell for sure. Nevertheless, I apologized, and said I needed to be on my way. The woman put her head down in what appeared to be disappointment and continued to walk down the street. I’m not totally sure but I think she was asking for a ride up the street to the park. I feel kind of bad about it, though I can never be sure what was being said. I imagine she was equally, if not more, frustrated with my lack of understanding. I couldn’t help but look back at her in my driver’s side mirror. I wouldn’t have been comfortable giving her a ride anyhow, and while that might sound horrible, again, you never know. I especially can’t put my child at any kind of risk. That is my first priority. As I continued to drive to my mom’s house, I had to ask God, “What is going on? What do you want me to hear? What am I missing?” I can’t help but feeling the message in all of this is that God feels that I hear Him, but I”m not listening. I’m trying, but I don’t know if that’s it, or if I’m doing what He wants. I’m making strides to be a better Christian. I don’t expect to be perfect: only the person God intended me to be. Whoever that is, I am on a journey to find her.

Coming Soon!

1 Feb

I am new to the whole blogging concept and it’s funny because I don’t particularly feel like anyone wants to know what I think or feel or any of those things but if you take the time to read, not this post necessarily, I promise, in some way or another, you’ll be amused. I’m such a multi-faceted, random, quirky, underrated, silly person. I could think of a bajillion more things to describe myself but for now, why don’t I share what kinds of things I’ll be adding here. Yes, the name of my blog is “Midnight Sunshine Photography” so we can all assume what most of my posts will be…no, not whatever you were just thinking…I KID! I’m still very much learning about photography and I don’t mind folks knowing that. I’m thrilled with where I’m at in terms of my knowledge and skill but just like in everyday life, there is always something more to learn. I can’t wait to share this journey with everyone and I’m stoked I have a place to watch the transition. I also intend to share my life journey, as a parent, a significant other, a daughter, a Christian, a student, an awesome (most the time) cook, and at times, a hippie. You are in for one heck of a roller coaster ride, my friends! So, for now, thanks for stopping by and I can’t wait to share more with you.