Archive | April, 2012

It’s not just the birthday we celebrate, it’s the person.

21 Apr


I just wanted to share a little bit but without getting too personal. I can be discrete…and sometimes over the top. Right now, I just wanna make mention of someone who is incredibly important to me. A few weeks ago, we celebrated my honey’s birthday at The Harmon. They have decent American food, decent prices, a nice downtown location, a historic feel to it, and overall, incredible service complete with a smile. I couldn’t believe how one waitress kept our large group in order without skipping a beat. If there was one thing I would go back for, beyond every other mention, the impeccable service would be it. The unfortunate circumstance is that things get so hectically busy for us that sometimes we don’t get to go all out and do things as big as we’d like to. The overall important note here is that it is not simply the birthday we are celebrating but the person. We enjoyed the company that joined us and I know neither of us would trade these moments for the world. We love our group of friends. They are not just friends, but family. You all know who you are: thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for showing love and support to my honey. He is near and dear to my heart and you all are to his. And to him, babe, I love you more than you’ll ever know. I’m so glad you enjoyed your special day with some great company. I’m so proud of you. You’ve come a long way. The saying goes, “I didn’t say it would be easy. I said it would be worth it.” I see you. I see what you do for us and I want you to know I appreciate you. I still blush when you catch me looking at you. I still miss you every minute you’re not at my side. And yes, I know we are not in the honeymooning stage of our relationship. I just want you to know that every minute with you in my life…counts. You count. Thank you for all that you do. I love you.

My good friend Danielle

16 Apr

I’ve been sitting on this mini session for a few weeks and what was most important to me about it was that I slowed down and thought more about what I was doing. This was for fun and practice but in previous sessions, I think I got a bit too excited and let my imagination get away from me so I’d be all over the place, sometimes missing important setting changes, reflectors, posing, and things I would end up having to change while editing at the computer. I’m happy to say that I’m getting better at getting it right SOOC (straight out of camera) and only having to make minor adjustments at the computer later on.  As if we all didn’t know I’m totally obsessed with Sue Bryce, I employed some of her tactics. I still very much need to work at it but I’m happy to be where I’m at on this journey. Let’s get back to Danielle. As I’ve mentioned previously, she is my go-to gal for hair and makeup, not just for photoshoots, but for myself. That is saying a lot…I don’t trust many with my hair. She is one of two people who are allowed to show my lockes some love. She’s a beautiful girl herself and is on her own journey, making big moves in her life and I couldn’t be more proud of her, or honored to be her friend. You can find Danielle here: