Archive | May, 2013

Deitra {Tacoma Maternity Photographer | Wapato Park}

27 May

I am overjoyed and excited about the near due date of my dear sister-in-law, Deitra. She is expecting her baby girl very soon here and I can’t wait to spoil her rotten and snuggle her! The baby, that is. I know she’ll be incredibly beautiful and have a heart of gold, just like her mommy. Deitra has never been anything less than an encouraging, giving, kind-hearted friend and sister-in-law to me and I so hope that I can return the kindness. We’re both excited to see our little ones grow up together! I think, initially, Deitra wasn’t entirely thrilled with the idea of having her photo taken and I asked many times for the opportunity because I didn’t want her to miss out on having these memories that she’ll never be able to get back. It is so important to document these things. Even if you don’t want to see yourself in photos, someday, your child will be curious about how they looked in mommy’s tummy. These may just be “things” to some but these are memories and they are absolutely priceless. If it sounds like I’m guilt-tripping anyone, well, maybe I am. So what of it? Ahem…what I mean is that time can only be spent, never regained, purchased, nor borrowed. Make every moment count, and for goodness sake, document it! There is no better way to let your loved ones know just how loved they are than to keep mementos of them. As for Deitra and her soon-to-debut little girl, I hope she cherishes every moment. I was nervous to hand these over because I’ve been told she doesn’t do photos…well, I’m very pleased to say, she was actually excited to see herself, and I couldn’t be happier with that response. To Deitra, thank you. Thank you a million times over for letting me be a part of this little girl’s life, even before she has arrived. I look forward to showering her with love. So many good times are just waiting to be had! _MG_9450 _MG_9451 _MG_9498 _MG_9486 _MG_9519 _MG_9554 _MG_9591 _MG_9603 _MG_9617 _MG_9628