Archive | September, 2013

Crumpton/Murphy Family {Fort Steilacoom Park|Lakewood Family Photographer}

6 Sep

This is the Crumpton/Murphy family. They happen to be a part of my extended family and I quite enjoy their company. The four of them add a quality to my life that is irreplaceable. We headed out to Fort Steilacoom because it has great scenery. There’s always so much going on there and there were a lot of other folks getting their photos on out that way. You may remember Rosa in particular given that she is my photography partner in crime. I’m particularly fond of the shots in the field. Such a sweet family and fun bunch. Take a look. =)

_MG_0393 _MG_0415 _MG_0419 _MG_0436 _MG_0438 _MG_0451 _MG_0457So…did I mention that Rosa, who is incredibly crafty and talented embroidered tanks for her family? Everyone has their nickname on their shirt. Cute, right? Get in touch with her on Facebook if you’d like your own. Check her out at