Archive | November, 2012

30 before 30 goals…er, um…while I’m 30

2 Nov

I can’t believe November is already here! It’ll be my 30th birthday in just a week and I have goals to accomplish. I meant to get most done before turning 30 but I’m not going to dwell on what I can’t change. You know me, forward momentum is my game. So most seem simple enough to do but only time will tell. I’ll update as I cross things off my list.
1. Start daily devotional
2. Find a church suitable for my family
3. Get engaged
4. Get married
5.See King Tut exhibit
6. Start business
7. Start my BS in psychology
8. Spend more hands on time teaching my daughter
9. Commit to AT THE VERY LEAST one date night a month
10. Update my wardrobe
11. Record more home videos
12. Volunteer
13.  Join a gym
14. Lose 30 lbs. or more
15. Get a haircut out of my usual comfort zone
16. Upload 5 recipes to blog with photos and/or video
17. Get professional family portraits
18 Obtain and learn a new photo editing software
19. Don’t judge…all you need to know is I have horror stories…see a dentist
20. Travel out of state…maybe even to Canada
21. Commit to skype sessions with distant family members
22. Attend a workshop
23. Apply for mentorship
24. Arrange more events/time with friends and family (including scrap booking with mom)
25. Move
26. Find an awesome (hopefully paid) internship
27. Invest in new glass
28. New car…?
29. Vote
30. Find the perfect red lipstick for fair skinned, almond eyed, freckled faced me

Well, I’d say most of these are totally obtainable. Let’s hope at least! I’d love to hear other suggestions or about your goals. I’m always looking for inspiration. If you’ve taken the time, thanks for reading and know how much that you stopped here means to me. Time is always of the essence as it is the most valuable thing we have. You can spend it but you can never get it back. Choose wisely how you spend yours and who you spend it with.  Don’t dwell on the negative because tomorrow is promised to no one and your loved ones would rather remember your awesomeness from today as you would were the shoe on the other foot. I know I make awesome look easy but really, you can do it, too. With that said, go out and be awesome!