Grad pics

31 Jul

I know these are long overdue but better late than never, right?

So, initially, I had the intention of purchasing the photos from the photography company that was there to do our photos. Though I wanted the photos, I chose not to purchase due to MANY complaints on their poor customer service. I will not name the company because I’m not about bad mouthing or negativity. MOVING ON…
The photos we were able to get are from my mom’s camera. Thank God she brought it! There are a couple with my mom and gramma, or grandma as you may know her (ha ha), my little but bigger than me brother, and my honey bunny. I didn’t get any photos with my little be also bigger than me sister, but I’ll take what I’ve got and savor the memories until I can’t remember them any longer. It was a wonderful day of celebration and I’m incredibly grateful for all the support that I’ve had along the way and cannot wait to embark on the next chapter in my educational journey. Thank you to all those who were there. I love and appreciate you all!
Oh yeah…two things…in the picture of all the grads, I’m the one in the burgundy cap and gown. Do you see me? =)
Also, there are lots more photos but I haven’t gotten permission from the people in them to share and I’d rather respect their privacy than take advantage. They are no less appreciated because their photos aren’t posted.

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